Teak Wood
Teak is originally golden in color and has a smooth grain and texture. It's high in natural oils and rubber meaning its strong, durable and virtually impervious to extreme weather conditions and rotting even if left untreated. Teak is coveted for its attractive color and grain, durability, strength and resistance to splitting, cracking, termites, fungus and weathering.
The Janka hardness of Teak is 1000 - 1155 which is harder than white pine, chestnut, poplar, cedar and mahogany. Teak can last 50-70 years perhaps even longer in the right environment and proper care. Some of the park benches made in teak are nearly a century old. Its impressive lifespan is due to its exceptional strength and durability. It weathers beautifully over time and can withstand all weather extremities even without treatments and preservatives. Leaving teak untreated will allow it to weather naturally and develop a silvery grey patina that will blend beautifully into its surroundings. You can either bring out the silvery grey look more quickly and evenly by using a teak patinizer or delay weathering with a teak protector which is a coating that is just applied to its surface.
As decking, it has to withstand bad weather and continuous moisture hence it is very important to have durable and waterproof wood. Teak wood has all the characteristics that are required for a durable deck as teak is more suitable for moisture than many hardwoods. It is important to consider the value of teak more so than its cost as it remains beautiful and strong for years-decades even.

Grades Of Teak
There are many grades of teak from Plantation Teak to Grade A – C. Plantation teak is also offered on the market and comes in a variation of color from one specie to another. Its knots are larger and may be subjected to unevenness in color.
Grade A Teak is the highest quality teak wood which is taken from the very center of the log which is the heartwood portion of a fully mature tree. This teak can be recognized as knots are rarely present, its uniform golden brown color, close grains and its glossy surface that feels oily to touch. It is darker than sapwood which is the outer part of the tree trunk and it is denser and stronger. The price of Grade A teak is more expensive than Grade B and C. Grade A is used for boat, deck and outdoor applications. Its color is darker and uniform compared to Grade B and C. Burmese and Indonesian teak are one of the best quality teak available however Burmese Teak is not legal for export. As there is a demand for the highest grade and we only supply legal timber, our teak is sourced from reliable suppliers of high-quality timber in Indonesia.